Are you gearing up for your tandem jump?
Along with your growing excitement for the adrenaline rush, you probably have a million questions running through your head. One of the questions may be, “What do I wear?”. Avoid a bad hair day and an uncomfortable outfit with our ultimate guide on how to dress for your tandem skydive.
How to Wear Your Hair for Your Jump
Long hair, don’t care? If your hair is longer than your chin, you should tie it back to keep it from tangling at speeds of 120 mph and avoid giving your tandem instructor a mouthful of hair while you jump!
Depending on the length of your hair, we recommend tight braids, french braids, low ponytails, or bandanas as the best options to keep your hair tied down! Untamed, loose hair can get tangled during your jump – which isn’t fun for anyone.
Visit our FAQ for more common questions upon your arrival.
How to Dress for Skydiving
Skydiving is an extreme sport, so the most appropriate and comfortable clothing is activewear. Choose an outfit that is fitting, flexible, and not too restrictive since you’ll be strapped in a harness attached to your tandem instructor. Many skydivers choose leggings, athletic shorts (given that it’s not too cold), and sweat-wicking tops. We also have jumpsuits available upon request. Although it may be warm on the ground before you jump, the temperature at altitude can be up to 30 degrees colder. You’ll want to keep this in mind and consider layers to stay comfortable in the sky.
Check out our Media Gallery for more outfit inspiration.
To Wear or Not to Wear Accessories
Whatever you are leaning towards, we recommend keeping it simple. Avoid unnecessary frills that can move around while skydiving in 120 mph winds. Don’t wear valuable jewelry – you won’t want anything to happen to it. The high-speed freefall can pull off necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Don’t stress, though! Your tandem skydive outfit doesn’t need to be anything elaborate.
What To Do With Your Glasses
Don’t have perfect vision? Don’t worry! One of the best parts of freefalling at Skydive San Diego is the sight of Tijuana, Downtown San Diego, and the breathtaking views of the mountains. Whether you wear glasses or not, all jumpers must wear goggles. Contacts are the best choice since they rarely fall out during the freefall. However, if contact lenses aren’t your thing, we have special goggles that fit over your prescription glasses.
What To Expect From Skydiving at SDSD
The skydiving experience is unlike any other; you’ll find yourself with a range of emotions beginning to end – but we can almost guarantee that you will be stoked on adrenaline by the time you land! Our mission at Skydive San Diego is to create a seamless and safe experience for you throughout the whole process.